Thursday, February 11, 2010

Front Line: Digital Nation

Today's society proves to be very different than past times. I honestly can not remember what it was like to not have a computer or cell phone or i-pod. The upcoming generations have these electronic devices at their disposal. Though these technologies make us more accessible and provide for a quicker and easier lifestyle, in watching the first few clips of digital nation it is clear that with the positives come some negatives as well. The video spoke of multi-taskers, which I can admit I am guilty of, and how they honestly believe they can handle all they take on. In watching those kids who claimed to be multi-taskers score poorly on the experimental tests it made me realize that I too am probably not as good of a multi-tasker as I believe myself to be. It was also very interesting to see the perspective of the professors and how they face the struggle of keeping their student's full attention. Not only must that be frustrating but in watching the video it seems so disrespectful to waste time on anything but the class you are showing up for. Being there physically just isn't enough. I wonder if I would just focus on one thing at once if I really would retain more information and get more done. I definitely am going to try to keep my cell phone out of reach while in class and see if it makes a difference.

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